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Tandory2004 Offline

Beiträge: 327

12.05.2004 14:28

Wir werden hier für euch aktuelle Bilder und Infos zu
MORTAL KOMBAT: DECEPTION und vielen anderen
Topgames der E³ Messe hosten. Durch ständige
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Viel Spaß wünscht euch Euer WoMK Team!

Tandory2004 Offline

Beiträge: 327

12.05.2004 16:50
#2 RE: E3 2004 NEWS, SCREENSHOTS, VIDEOS Antworten

GameSpot, 05-12-2004:
Mortal Kombat: Deception Hands-On

The night before the official opening of E3 2004, Midway threw a world premiere party to debut Mortal Kombat: Deception to selected E3 attendees. Both the Xbox and PlayStation 2 versions were on display, featuring a smattering of playable characters, as well as the chess, puzzle, and conquest modes.

One of the first things a Mortal Kombat fan will notice when playing MK: Deception is that the fighting system, while sticking close to the style-based system introduced in Deadly Alliance, has seen some changes that make the new game feel a little more like the classic 2D entries in the series. The first big addition is that uppercuts are back. The uppercut was the great equalizer in most of the previous Mortal Kombat games, fast enough to catch airborne opponents and powerful enough to turn the tide of a match. Here in Deception, they look like they'll be used for much the same purpose. Secondly, and slightly harder to notice, is that the game's combo system offers more opportunities to pop-up and juggle your opponent. A big part of Mortal Kombat and Mortal Kombat II was the ability to really experiment with juggles and try to fashion your own custom combos. Both of these additions feel pretty strong and definitely make the game feel quite a bit different than Deadly Alliance did.

The version of Mortal Kombat: Deception that will be shown at E3 will contain 12 characters--essentially half of the game's main roster. Currently playable characters include Scorpion, Baraka, Mileena, Sub Zero, Sindel, Bo Rai Cho, Nightwolf, Hotaro, Ermac, Li Mei, Ashrah, and Kenshi. 12 empty character slots remain on the kombat mode's character select screen. Some of these fighters--Jax, for example--have already been revealed. But some are still secret. On top of that, the roster hasn't currently been nailed down and there's at least one slot yet to be filled. The team is currently weighing their options and considering either bringing back a classic character or developing an all-new character.

Many characters from Deadly Alliance retain many of their moves, but moves and styles have been altered across the board. New special moves have also been added, and the additional specials make the special moves feel somewhat more important here than they did in Deception. Scorpion has regained the ability to teleport punch, which looks great. Ermac has the teleport slam that he used in Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3--and it's even executed in a similar fashion. Baraka can shoot projectiles off of his blade, as well as execute a dual-blade lunge attack. Nightwolf's shoulder charge is intact, as is his arrow projectile. There are also some pretty interesting new specials, as well. Hotaro has a projectile that aims to hit the ground underneath his opponent, popping the victim up into the air and towards Hotaro, much like Cyrax's bombs from MK3. Ermac has a levitation move that sends him up into the air. From there, you have a couple of different options. Pressing towards your opponent will execute a dive kick. Pressing down will execute a ground pounding fall that damages standing opponents.

Mortal Kombat has always had some dangerous backgrounds, but Deception definitely takes this aspect of the game much more seriously. As has been announced previously, some backgrounds have some seriously dangerous sections--ones that can end the round immediately, regardless of how much life is on your meter. The game's backgrounds also contain multiple fighting areas, sort of like how Mortal Kombat 3 let you uppercut an opponent from one background to another, or how Dead or Alive lets you knock opponents off of cliffs or balconies, dropping them down to another arena below. One background, the Sky Temple, lets you continue fighting after knocking an opponent through a railing that surrounds the roof of the temple. But if either player gets knocked off that lower stage, the next drop is a lot longer--the falling player essentially explodes upon contact with the ground.

Speaking of exploding fighters, Mortal Kombat wouldn't be Mortal Kombat without a series of insanely over-the-top fatalities. Only a handful have been revealed at this time, but they look pretty awesome. The sequence that stuck out the most was one of Sub Zero's fatalities. It starts out as you'd expect--Sub-Zero grabs his victim's head, yanks off his head, and the spine comes along with it. He then jumps back and freezes the still-standing headless body. And in a gruesome finale, Sub-Zero tosses the head at the frozen body, causing it to shatter into an icy, bloody mess. Most impressive.

Mortal Kombat: Deception is shaping up to be both a worthy sequel to Deadly Alliance as well as one of the most-content-filled fighting games ever made. Deception is coming to the Xbox and PlayStation 2--complete with online play on both platforms--this October.

Flip ( gelöscht )

12.05.2004 21:00
#3 RE: E3 2004 NEWS, SCREENSHOTS, VIDEOS Antworten

Sehr, sehr gute Arbeit, Kollege!!!owerleistung:

Tandory2004 Offline

Beiträge: 327

12.05.2004 22:36
#4 RE: E3 2004 NEWS, SCREENSHOTS, VIDEOS Antworten

Danke, ich hoff es ist nicht umsonst. Hier noch ein Screen des momentanen MKD Menüs. Ist bescheidene Qualität, für die die es nicht lesen können:
- Kombat
- Chess Kombat
- Puzzle Kombat
- Konquest
- MK Online

Tandory2004 Offline

Beiträge: 327

15.05.2004 22:42
#5 RE: E3 2004 NEWS, SCREENSHOTS, VIDEOS Antworten

IGN Hands on


E3 2004: MK: Deception - Hands-On
Kombat and classic games collide with satisfactorily gruesome results.

May 14, 2004 - It's a Mortal attraction with the appearance of Mortal Kombat: Deception at Midway's booth here at E3. We've been teased with PowerPoint demonstrations and given filmus interruptus by seeing someone else play so we could record the video. Now, finally, we got a chance to take Deception for a test spin and spill a few gallons of blood. The results have been more than satisfactory.

The big changes to the combat, I mean kombat, are the hot spots, the multi-tiered levels, and the weapons. The tiers work like they have in Dead or Alive 2 with people getting tossed out windows or off a small cliff to keep on fighting on a lower level. The main thing to keep in mind is to avoid getting too close to the edge and getting a little shove to the depths below. There's not a lot of damage involved with getting knocked down so there's not a huge tactical advantage, but it's a lot of fun to have the bragging rights of sending your buddy flying.

The other new addition that we played with was the hot spots, those nasty areas that are terrible on one's constitution. If someone can be maneuvered into one of thee areas, the opponent can send them flying into a death trap. There's the huge spinning spiked columns that were in the original trailer as well as a huge metal press that will crush anyone who gets tossed into it. Where the tier-toss is more of an aesthetic addition, the hot spots definitely make people a little more careful about where they move.

There are also some weapons that are on the levels, but they don't reduce the game into a massive weapon bash at all. There are only one or two weapons that appear on each level. It's not a Power stone feeding frenzy by any means. Like the hot spots, they provide an additional attack, but can be difficult to maneuver into. In trying to get one sword, I ended up battling another player for the entire round and only when both of us were a hair away from death did I finally get it for the fatal blow.

After seeing that all was well and good in the Kombat system and that the game is firmly within the established parameters that Midway has established, I moved on to the other modes: Konquest, Chess Kombat, and Puzzle Kombat. The Konquest mode features a young fighter who wanders around and learns fighting skills from the masters that he encounters.

I only got to play through the early part of the story, but it involved learning some extremely basic fighting skills and wandering around a town with some classic adventuring elements. One bridge that I needed to cross was being blocked by a guard. After talking to others, I found that he was hungry and loved some ham. After finding the butcher, I got the ham, brought it back, and moved on to the next fighting lesson. So far, the gameplay of the Konquest is pretty simple and may be a bit too slow for veterans of the game, but it's perfectly geared for those who are new to the Kombat games and would appreciate the training lessons.

When it was time for something completely different, I moved on to the Chess Kombat mode for some Archon-style fun. The set of chess players for the match is chosen from the current roster of playable characters. The more characters that players unlock, the more varied the armies become. In choosing the army, each character is assigned to a different spot on the chess board and gets the move set and strength reduction that comes with it. The pawns in the front only have half of a health bar to begin with, while the back row characters get more.

While playing the game, the different characters get to move around the 10 by 10 board and will initiate a regular 3D fight once opposing pieces come into contact with each other. The attacking character gets a health boost and, if they're standing on one of the green squares, another boost as well. Even though the defending pieces have a disadvantage, there's still a fighting chance to put up a defense.

Instead of moving around, some pieces can also cast spells on other characters on the board. Other characters can be killed from afar, imprisoned in a cage, or healed up to help out a teammate. These spells need to be recharged for a second use so they're being balanced for more strategic gameplay. With a mix of fighting and careful movement on the board, Chess Kombat is opening itself up for a variety of ways to play. It's all pretty impressive for a side project.

But wait! There's more! Last, but not least, there's the Puzzle Kombat. Making this the second classic-game homage to appear in Deception Puzzle Kombat is a direct descendant of Super Puzzle Fighter 2 for the PSone. Pairs of blocks get rotated and dropped, Tetris-style, down an open rectangle. There are the regular colored blocks and the colored "activators" that burst a group of blocks of a similar color.

Busting up a large group will clear out some space and drop some blocks on the opponent. By creating a series of bursts in one move (ie. one burst drops an activator on another group and then again), increasingly large numbers of blocks fall on the opponent. The other possible piece to drop is a bomb icon that blows up all of the blocks that have the same color as the block the bomb lands on.

The new twist is the super move. By building up a power bar, gamers can use a super move on the opponent. My own character had a scramble move that completely scrambled my opponent's blocks, thus destroying any shred of hope that he had of creating a combo or even digging his way out of the hole he got himself into. His demise came quickly after that.

It's all almost too much for one game, but it's here and the different pieces are all taking on a life of their own. It's hard to believe that so much is included in one game until you sit down and see all of it. Beyond just a couple of useless tack-ons, the extra modes are actually providing some extra value to the game. We'll be sure to provide the latest details on this title so check back later for more information.
-- Ed Lewis

Flipmachine Offline

Beiträge: 315

16.05.2004 13:49
#6 RE: E3 2004 NEWS, SCREENSHOTS, VIDEOS Antworten stellt nun 2 neue Videos zur Verfügung, die einen schönen Einblick in den Konquest mode verschaffen.

Konquest Mode´s Beginning

Konquest Mode´s End

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